Most people live with conception that blood sugar problems happen to those with diabetes. But the scenario is altogether different, in reality we all are relentlessly managing blood sugar swings.
The following article is an insight about the affects of blood sugar levels on our body and the ways to deal with it.
Blood sugar levels are regulated by two main hormones: Cortisol and Insulin. The Cortisol hormone gets the blood sugar from the fuel reserves of the body whereas insulin is secreted from the pancreas in response to blood sugar levels to help the body to absorb the food you eat.
If blood sugar is under control then the brain and blood vessels remain healthy, energy levels are balanced and you experience less mood swings. Moreover, controlled blood sugar levels can relieve stress on cortisol and insulin systems which can keep off big health problems.
Is Blood Sugar Linked With Fat Loss?
A rise in the blood sugar level is normally an outcome of long hours of fasting, skipping a meal or highly stressful situations. If you are in any of these conditions, then insulin and cortisol will pull energy from the stored sugar (glycogen) and from fat stores of the body. And in the case if you are excessively stressed, then the two hormones will even kick protein stores (lean muscle mass) for energy.
When your blood sugar rises due to stress or because you ate a meal, the body releases insulin to let the sugar get absorbed into your cells. This is the ideal condition. But most people are insulin resistant and need more insulin for this ideal condition to be fulfilled. The only way to escape such a situation is by eating a bad diet, or by skipping or living under lot of stress.
The whole thing is more the insulin more will be the fat storage making it difficult to lose the fat.
If you balance the level of cortisol and insulin, then you probably can have higher energy levels, better workouts, and better sleep and of course a less hard time you’re your fat loss.
How To Determine If Your Blood Sugar Levels Are Imbalanced?
Generally, the doctor determines this with help of few blood tests. But there are few things that can tell if you if your cortisol and insulin is working perfectly or your blood sugar levels are swinging. But it’s always advisable to consult a doctor before the situation becomes complicated.
If your blood sugar levels are rising too much after eating then, you are likely to experience the following:
- Fatigue marked by low energy levels
- Craving for sugar or carbs which is often not relieved by eating them
- Weight loss becomes difficult
- Increase in thirst and excessive urination
If your blood sugar levels are getting too low between meals, you are likely to experience the following:
- Tiredness between meals which gets relieved by eating
- Feeling of irritation, shaky or light-headed
- Craving for sugar or starch cravings
- Improper sleep patterns
How To Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels Throughout The Day?
1. Instead of eating too much at a time, eat every three to four hours. Energy levels vary from individuals, so you should be aware of your meal frequency to keep your energy levels boosted. You can start with 4 meals and then add or replace one time meal with proteins, fiber stuff such as veggies and low sugar fruits such as apple and carbs that are starchy.
2. Make sure you include a lot of proteins, veggies rich in fiber such as greens, bell peppers, cucumbers and asparagus. This will help in maintaining a balance between the carbs and the fiber requirement of the body.
3. Don’t include excess of breads, pastas, white rice, crackers, pastries, in your diet. And if you consume them, then make sure you include some protein or fiber with them.
4. If you are witnessing mood swings and feel irritable, lightheaded or shaky between meals then consume protein-based snacks such as hard boiled eggs or healthy fat-based snacks such as nuts and don’t rely on energy bars or pastries.
5. If you feel sleepy or feel cravings after eating then make a change in your diet by altering consumption of starchy carbs such as whole grains, beans, legumes, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin and even fruits.
The post Blood Sugar and Fat loss appeared first on Dr.Numb Blog.